Recreational Industries provides turnkey installation services for all of our products including commercial playgrounds, shade structures, site amenities and surfacing. Our team of experts can provide you with an installation quote for any project no matter how large or small. Just Click Yes for Installation in the information when sending your Quote to Us.
This architecturally styled Arch Post Swing is priced with 3.5 inch posts and is available with galvanized chain, s-hooks, and belt seats. Swing hangers come with the frame, creating easy installation of the seats, and more durability over time. The swing is available in multiple colors that allow customization of the swing frame equipment. The dimensions are as follows: 3.5″ legs, 2-3/8″ top rail, 8′ installed height. Although most swings come standard with belt seats, you can substitute the belt seats with other seats from our swing set accessories page including ADA and toddler bucket seats.